The photos taken by my brother, Elyas Tampubolon. It's me and my friend whom yesterday watched live for final match AFF Suzuki Cup Indonesia versus Malaysia at Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Stadium, Jakarta. It was amazing match with awesome euphoria from Indonesians !!! Yeah that's true that we were not the champion for AFF Suzuki Cup 2010, but we won the match yesterday, it was 2 for Indonesia and 1 for Malaysia.
- First Picture is me at my room before going to stadium. I used red t-shirt, red shoe, black jeans, Indonesia National Flag and Ulos (batak traditional clotch) as a costume.
- Me with my two best college friends, Imanuel and Bayu.
- (from left to right) : Hanif, Imam, Rizma, Me and Dheny.
and just like what Cipu's said, it will be better if I put pictures of a whole stadium, guess what ? I have these two pictures. First one was euphoria outside the stadium, and the second one is 3 hours before the match began.
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2 weeks ago